The Demon is here!

It has happened, finally I am done, the game is finished, the Demon is here and he will murder you a lot... I hope! 

Honestly, I am glad it's over. Not that making this and learning the Godot game engine basics wasn't fun. On the contrary I had a really good time with it. But everything became really convoluted at the end. If I had wanted to make this grander and bigger and better I would have hat to rewrite a lot of code and redo a lot of animation, it's a giant mess of spaghetti in there. a lot of misunderstanding how stuff actually works made me search for other ways to accomplish what I wanted. And these ways often made things more confusing in the long run. Updating old code often became a nightmare. That I never renamed the hit/hurtboxes of anything did not help, everything that hurts the player or the player can hurt is just called Area2D/CollisionShape2D.

I am glad It's over, but I am even more glad I saw it through the end. I am very happy with what I've done. And when I did the last playthrough before releasing it and saw the end screen I became a bit sentimental.

Well anyways, here it is everyone. The finished game. version 1.2.0 , Crazy how far this got, it started as this silly dracula fight that was barely fair, the hitboxes only worked when they wanted to work. And look at it now, all grown up.

I learned a lot while making this, and I am very happy that I made it. I do hope you will get some enjoyment out of playing this final update. The demon is here, and it's your job to send him back to the hells he spawned from.

Thank you for playing.

Files 50 MB
Feb 09, 2022

Get Fight The Dracula!

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